Run No 820

The Canal Barns Bunkhouse, Brecon

Sunday, 27th May 2007

Hares: Smiffo & Screamer





(We have dozens of great Brecon photos and I'm going to try to persuade the WebMaster to post them...Scribe)
[He was successful - Archive Ed. Click here]

Minutes of the H5 Wl meeting held on Sunday May 28th 2007 at Brecon

Minutes of the previous meeting were not available so were not accepted. Activities for the afternoon consisted of:

  • A cookery demonstration by LADY P assisted by GORJOYCE
  • Quiet reading with close friends THONGO and DEADMEAT
  • Rest and Relaxation FLORENCE, CARDIAC and others
  • Run Laying - SMIFFO and SCREAMER

The debate for the afternoon was To Run or Not To Run. Luckily for the hash the result was in favour of to run' so they did not have to face the wrath of the hares.
All enjoyed tea and biscuits provided by the Chair, WARD 10, and her side kick MERLOT.
The main event, the hash, was laid in the pouring rain by those dedicated hashers SMIFFO and SCREAMER. No sooner had they dried out from there first outing then it was circle up time for the real thing. Seventeen hardy hashers set off out of the bunk house looking for the trail which ran past the hostel towards the river at the back. The first false trail was found by PRIVATE PARTS whilst the very kind back hare led the slower hashers on the correct route.
Visiting hasher PHALLUS was left at the back strolling along on his mobile -(what a sinner - not H5 WI material).
CARDIAC found the next falsie and then the pack ran along the scenic path by the river enjoying the wonderful Welsh weather. The trail then ran around various roads in Brecon and included a special stop for LADY P and DROP 'N' SQUAT at the public conveniences. A nasty falsie led the front runners through the woods where the front hare almost managed to lose FIVE BAAH but her sense of duty called him back. (If we had lost him who would have done the clearing up In the mornings!).
It was then back across the road and the start of the 'up'. A small falsie was missed as the correct trail was immediately found by the school. The trail then followed a track up the hill even further before heading back towards the town through the sheep field. From there it was a straight forward run back to the bunk house except for THONGO, PUSSIES GALORE and DROP 'N' SQUAT who made up a route of their own via the Police Station.
Back at base we were reunited with PHALLUS who had decided to turn back, and his sidekick PONCE CHARMING who arrived too late to hash after trying to sing the directions rather than follow them. Members were delighted however that they were able to stay to give tips on the correct way to taste tea and show off the very latest in hash fashion.
The circle was called in the rain as it was deemed preferable to being smoked out by the BBQ in the shelter. Down Downs were awarded to the hares, DONUT for bad parenting, COUNT ROADKILL for picking on the hares hair, and various others but we've forgotten!!
Next weeks meeting will be held at LADY P and COUNT ROADKILL'S abode where we will not be making jam but COUNT ROADKILL will be giving a very interesting talk on the life and times of an amoeba.
Meeting closed past our bedtime!
ON ON and thanks to all for a great weekend.